Canvas feat. Sunju Hargun, Moreno, X0809
17 Mar, Fri
Doors open   23:00
Event ended

Canvas feat. Sunju Hargun, Moreno, X0809

17 Mar, Fri
Doors open 23:00
Event ended
More info
Talk: What makes the 'perfect' event? Perspectives from the Bangkok electronic music community

Whether as DJ, live performance artist or audience member, many of us will have had the fortune of experiencing at least one remarkable music performance in our lives; that is, one that has lifted us into another dimension - and possibly even changed our lives forever.

But what is it exactly that makes that ever elusive 'perfect' music event?

Exploring the complexities of this seemingly simple question will be four prominent Bangkok-based DJs and producers: DJ and producer Sunju Hargun, DJ Moreno and electronic music duo, Anja Muangkote and Note Panayanggoon - better known as X0809.

Each will give a short talk sharing perspectives from personal experience within their respective fields, and then later enter a panel discussion with Q&A from the audience and fellow speakers.

The talks and discussion will include electronic music demonstrations by each of the artists.

1. Registration and drinks, from 7PM
2. Introduction, talks and Q&A, 7.15PM
3. Cocktails and food from 8.30PM onwards

THB 100 entry.

Guests are welcome to stay and join the event Baan means House featuring Moreno and guest DJ Roman Rauch from 10pm.



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